Winter Christmas Weekender in the Blue Mountains

How lucky we were and what a reminder it is, to take the opportunities when they arise!

by Jo Vartanian

I’m reflecting, as we all move to another set of restrictions and lockdowns. Holiday plans ruined. Live theatre in question – I’m sad I’ll miss ‘Hamilton’. Uncertainty. Frustration and for some, much worse. Then I think back to just a few days ago when we were laughing and dancing and hiking and playing games and sharing stories and enjoying a warm fire and a relaxed atmosphere. How lucky we were and what a reminder it is to take the opportunities when they arise. For 21 Diamonds we shared a wonderful time together and created heart-warming memories.


So, what was the weekend like? It began with a drive up the M4, leaving the forecasted rainy Sydney behind me, to arrive at the gorgeous old-world Kihilla retreat centre at around 7pm – a scrumptious vegi-bake & pear salad dinner was being enjoyed and followed by Michele’s famous warm date cake with caramel sauce and dollop cream. The tone of the weekend was set already. Warm, relaxed, comfortable and welcoming. But there was more to come.


Everyone settled into their spacious rooms for the night with anticipation of a fun day ahead. Sunshine greeted us and a special sunrise was enjoyed by Liz, Ali and Denise who slept out in their vans overlooking the valley. My Winter Overland team prepared for their team hike with the addition of a couple of eager Diamonds happy to test themselves on the rugged terrain of the Katoomba area. With an injured ankle I waved confidently goodbye to the group as they headed for a 4 hour hike from Katoomba to the Ruined Castle and back. With heavy packs to mimic the Overland and Kalina taking the lead, the group showed how strong Diamonds are in this environment. A second group headed out for the morning to explore Lawson’s Waterfall Circuit track. This beautiful track takes in about 5 different waterfalls and varied terrain including steep sections and rough tracks.


Hot pumpkin soup topped with crunchy chorizo and crusty bread awaited us as each group found their way back to the lodge. Adventure stories were shared then “the games were on”. The inaugural Finska championship commenced on the front lawn overlooking the valley - beanies, ugg boots and puffer jackets the official uniforms. If you know this game, you will know how much fun it is. Unpredictable, hilarious, levelling, easy, difficult…but most of all just good plain FUN! And the winner is Lucy for 2021.


The highlight of our weekend is the Saturday night Christmas Dinner prepared lovingly by Michele. The room was decorated, the music turned on, the ham & turkey in the oven and everyone prepared their cutest Christmas outfits. The evening began with sunset drinks and nibbles on the veranda, followed by board games by the fire, chatting, chopping, cooking and sharing stories. What a spread – a delicious assortment of roasted vegies, cauliflower with cheesy cream sauce, ham and turkey with gravy. Huge thank you to Diamond Kim who supplied us with the delicious meats. Michele continued to surprise us with a naughty double dessert of mini pavlovas and Banoffee pies. The festivities continued into the wee hours and included toy car races, Q & A games with Clare, and late-night discussions about “secret women’s business”.


Sunday was a later start with coffee and crispy bacon and egg rolls to kick start the day. With 3 bikes loaded, Denise, Jo and Alison headed off for a 28km fire trail bike ride on the Oaks Trail from Woodford to Glenbrook. Definitely one to do again.


Some Diamonds, sadly had to return home, while the adventure stores in Katoomba were a draw card for others. But most set out on another adventurous hike, this time, the relatively unknown Empire Pass and North Lawson Waterfall Circuit which takes in 4 stunning waterfalls. Walking through gorgeous rainforest this short hike has an off-the-beaten-track vibe with surprises around every corner. Back to the lodge for a delicious lunch followed by a solid team clean-up and on the dot at 2pm the drizzle started.


I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to spend a weekend with Diamonds and can’t wait for the event again in 2022. If you missed it, be sure to add it to your diary asap. Same time, same venue and space for all.


Special mention to my indefatigable partner Michele who arranged this whole event and ensured we were all wonderfully fed and looked after. You are a GEM!!!!.

Jo Vartanian