Leave No Trace Trekking - Planning for "Plastic Free July"

By Clare O’Brien

Did you know that… at least one garbage truck full of plastic is released into our oceans, every single minute?

On average, every person in Australia generated 103kg of plastic waste in 2016-17 and only 12% of waste plastics were recycled. This is a BIG problem. So, what can one little person do? 

As women who love trekking, we all hold the beauty of the outdoors close to our hearts and have a deep connection with our natural environment. The team at Diamonds in The Rough Adventures have a ‘Leave no trace’ policy and we aim to minimise our impact when out on the trails. Plastic Free July is an international movement to encourage people to reflect on and reduce their consumption of single-use plastics - in the hope that these small changes will influence longer-term behaviour. Becoming part of the solution is our goal and here are just a few ideas on alternatives for some of the common plastic items we use before, during and after our treks. 

Before trekking – changing the way we prepare.

  • Make breakfast the night before. Or grab one of nature's pre-wrapped goodies, an apple or banana 

  • Bulk up on the snacks. Buy in bulk, vs individually wrapped or better still make something yummy from scratch at home

  • Choose a bamboo toothbrush to replace your plastic toothbrush

  • If you're ready to try a menstrual cup, like a JuJu, Lunette or Diva Cup and 'period-proof' undies such as Modibodi or Thinx. Some of these items are now available in many major supermarkets

  • Try a shampoo and conditioner bar

  • Get yourself a beautiful bar of soap

On the trail

  • Refillable water bottles, water bladder or thermos

  • Good ol' reusable plastic containers to keep snacks fresh

  • Set aside a set of trail cutlery and wrap them in a cloth serviette

  • Collapsible and reusable cups and bowl

  • Trial recycled toilet paper or bamboo toilet paper packaged in paper, not plastic

  • Source refillable containers for your sunscreen and hand sanitiser

  • Use a handkerchief for that cold morning sniffle

  • Wash and reuse any plastic zip lock bags, when possible… yes, I hang mine on the clothesline 

After training - enjoy responsibly

  • BYO coffee cup or sit in the cafe and enjoy your cuppa!

  •  If having a smoothie or juice, say no to the straw or bring your own stainless steel or bamboo straw

  • And of course, recycle. A lot of plastic, such as plastic bottles, can be recycled with your kerbside recycling but did you know that ‘soft plastics’, such as plastic bags can be taken to a Recycle location? Check your local council for more details.

Taking the next steps - If you feel inspired and would like to join in for Plastic Free July, choose a few ideas that suit you and swap them out for 31 days. 

It only takes one small pebble to start the ripple. Imagine what a group of Diamonds can do? 


Jo Vartanian