Thai Beetroot Slaw

Enjoy this delicious salad at home or out on the trails with friends!


1 Large (300g) beetroot, peeled, cut into matchsticks

2 Medium (200g) carrots, peeled, cut into matchsticks

2 Cups shredded Savoy or Wombok (Chinese) Cabbage

½ Small red onion, thinly sliced

½ Cup fresh coriander leaves

½ Cup Fresh mint leaves

½ Cup Thai basil leaves

2 Tbs fried shallots


2 Tbs Sweet chilli sauce

2 Tbs Lime Juice

1 Tbs Fish sauce

1 Tbs Light soy sauce (double if you don’t want fish sauce) 

Whisk dressing ingredients and toss through vegetables, sprinkle fresh herbs and fried shallots. Serve immediately.


Jo Vartanian