Tales of Tahmoor - the Gorge with More!

Fifteen intrepid Diamonds made the unfamiliar journey to Tahmoor to hike along Tahmoor Gorge.

After a week of predicting rain and more rain, we ended up with a beautiful sunny day!

After meeting at Rockford Bridge and doing a quick check on the groups’ water and gear, we distributed some snacks and set off, taking the high track. This bush track meanders through the Casuarina and Eucalypt forest looking down at the Bargo River and traverses high above Mermaids Pool. The views are spectacular as you get further along and look back- reminiscent of the gorges in the Northern Territory.

It was not long before we arrived at the very steep descent into the Tahmoor Gorge itself. As we made our way to the first of many waterfalls and rock pools- we chose one with a rocky platform providing easy access into the pools and a great place to set up and enjoy our morning tea…zucchini and carrot slice and choc chip pecan cookies!!

Time to move on and make our way along the gorge- a fantastic and challenging combination of rock scrambling or hopping, creek crossings, steep and slippery bush tracks- where every step had to be considered. Remembering always to take the time to look up and around at the tall gorge walls and stunning rock caves and formations.

We ascended from the gorge- but not long after, back down to take a closer look at the huge water hole of Mermaids Pool- no swimming here as the walls around it are too steep- sadly though every year some try, and horribly some don’t survive to tell the tale.

We made our way back on the low path next to Bargo River- with a couple more ups and downs around impassable cliff sections...and maybe just one extra down and up I may have thrown in for ‘fun’ - but we had time to take another swim and waterfall play near See Through Pools.

Tummies were rumbling by now- but just up the road a friendly local family* had offered to have us all over for lunch. Yummy pork and apple burgers washed down with some icy sparkling apple or grape juice- some fruit and tea and coffee with a brownie!

* Massive thank you to the friendly local family…aka my brother Rob and his wife, Ruth- and even my Mum who was there to lend a hand!

Jo Vartanian