Doing Things Differently - How Virtual Training keeps me connected and motivated.

By Sue

Like many in this time of COVID lock-downs, I can’t join in on regular training sessions.

Finding something that works, to keep me fit and ready to take advantage of Diamond Days and Adventures hasn’t always been easy. As a remote Diamond (living on the Central Coast), the twice-weekly online program gives me the opportunity to catch up with the Diamonds more regularly and also ensure that I’m fit for my own local walks and ready for the next adventure that comes my way.

I love the convenience of training at home rain, hail or shine and if I can’t make the ‘live’ session, no biggy, I have access to make it up or do it again and again anytime over the following 6 days!

Since starting I have noticed many positives, not only can I now stretch further, balance longer, use heavier weights and do more repetitions, I can also complete daily tasks like simply putting on tights and pants more easily! I have set my own goals, many of which I have successfully achieved and others that I’m determined to reach. One reached is now moving easily from Downward Dog into Warrior Pose with knees up and one not yet reached is holding the plank as long as Michele can. This I feel may take a bit of time!

Both Diamond Virtual Sessions - Summit Strength and Yoga Flow provide me with a very balanced program that I really enjoy each week. I’m very much looking forward to hiking and seeing my virtual buddies in the flesh, up in “my neck of the woods” at the Watagans Weekend in a few weeks time!

Jo Vartanian